- Choose a Capability
- Aqueous Cleaning
- CNC Bending
- CNC Coiling
- CMM & 5 Axes Laser Measuring
- Engineering & Tool Design
- Fittings Installed /
End Preparations Performed - Facilities
- Inventory & Logistics
- Kitting
- Lean Manufacturing
- Machining
- Magnetic Forming
- Non Destructive Testing
- Precision Cleaning Facility
- Precision Laser Cutting
- Proof Pressure Testing
& Auto Frettage - Part Marking, I.D. & Label
- Quality & Inspection
- Rapid Proto-Typing
& Fixture Cell - Sheet Metal Fabrication
- Welding

Rapid Proto-Typing & Fixture Cell
STEICO Industries is leading the industry with advanced fixture manufacturing methods.
- Fixture Lead Time = 24hrs vs. Weeks
- Close to Perfect Quality and Tolerances
- Inexpensive
- Rapid to Produce, Therefore Reducing Customer’s Initial Lead Times

Assembly fixtures utilize aluminum and steel base plates manufactured as a solid foundation, drilled and tapped in one process utilizing our 3 axes.
- WardJet Water Jet - Model: Z-2043
- Cutting envelope: 79" x 157.5" (6.5 ft x 13 ft)
- One cutting head - One tapping head
- Positional Accuracy of ±.003”, Repeatability of ±.001