- Choose a Capability
- Aqueous Cleaning
- CNC Bending
- CNC Coiling
- CMM & 5 Axes Laser Measuring
- Engineering & Tool Design
- Fittings Installed /
End Preparations Performed - Facilities
- Inventory & Logistics
- Kitting
- Lean Manufacturing
- Machining
- Magnetic Forming
- Non Destructive Testing
- Precision Cleaning Facility
- Precision Laser Cutting
- Proof Pressure Testing
& Auto Frettage - Part Marking, I.D. & Label
- Quality & Inspection
- Rapid Proto-Typing
& Fixture Cell - Sheet Metal Fabrication
- Welding

Inventory & Logistics
- Over 30K Square Feet of Dedicated Inventory Space
- 395+ On-site Kan Ban Tubing Types to Reduce Lead-times & Stabilize Costs
- Over $4.0M of Fitting & Component Inventory
- Multiple JIT Suppliers for Raw Material & Fittings
- Outside Processing Suppliers on Strategic Agreements Supporting 24 Hour Turns for Most Applications
Raw Materials Support
STEICO's access to immediate, qualified raw material is endless and speed oriented. We utilize a combination of programs guaranteeing rapid response to customer demands. We house on site over 450 different raw material tube types and sizes with JIT programs in place allowing access to hundreds more.
On site raw material tubing and hardware are managed on a Kan-Ban Min-Max electronic system linked to the exact manufacturing point of use therefore maximizing efficiencies, stabilizing and reducing costs while guaranteeing immediate access to all required materials and eliminating part shortages.